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Security Warning Message

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MS Office has some macro security features, which you may want to turn off. On our installation media, you find two programs named 'AddPath2013' and 'AddPath2016/19'.

Run one of these from within the folder where your Datagraph files are placed to add this folder to your 'trusted locations' on your PC.

This should stop unnecessary security messages during startup of Datagraph-med.

If you keep your database file on a different location, make sure to also add this folder as trusted location.

If this message appears during Startup the folder in which Datagraph-med was installed is not considered 'safe enviorment'.

If this message appears during Startup the folder in which Datagraph-med was installed is not considered 'safe enviorment'.


If you have MS Office Professional installed including MS Access, you also can deactivate macro security warning messages trough Options-->Trust Center-->Macro Settings.

Select 'Allow all macros' and restart Datagraph.
